terça-feira, 19 de outubro de 2021
In The Foreground
No unnecessary thought: only Deus' first daughter is needed.
(Real fun fact: I bet you thought that blog title was inspired by its script, but the only thing I knew about Cobra, throughout that time in which the four blogs were written, was Angel Of The City and I used it without watching the movie. I didn't rent it to see if it was worth having it on film quality, I spent ten times more money on the blu ray disc without watching it online. So let's say I went way back into time just to watch it in the theater, and I knew I wouldn't regret it. You know what you got to have to do all that...)
It's Just Science
"Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you."
If it's not all too sad and pointless for you, it's going to be all too hard for you to get it. One needs a sense of discomfort and unbelonging to stand a chance of hearing that which was ordained unto our glory. The first things you were taught to do in the morning are only a vain imagination that you are pleasing God, when you do them for fear and you do them for false hope. You don't really want the rest of the day to be about Truth, just like the beginning is not really.
Only those who keep their eyes focused on one thing can unify their lives.
If it's not all too sad and pointless for you, it's going to be all too hard for you to get it. One needs a sense of discomfort and unbelonging to stand a chance of hearing that which was ordained unto our glory. The first things you were taught to do in the morning are only a vain imagination that you are pleasing God, when you do them for fear and you do them for false hope. You don't really want the rest of the day to be about Truth, just like the beginning is not really.
Only those who keep their eyes focused on one thing can unify their lives.
quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2021
Se minha luta não lhe diz respeito, eu posso garantir que você respeita o ímpio, desejando aquilo que ele tem. E também posso garantir que aquilo que você busca na "religião" é a própria justiça. A luta pela verdadeira religião não é para você. Monte uma banda e depois do "sucesso" agradeça a deus por tudo e fale dele à sua inspiração, o ímpio. Ele vai amar ouvir que não precisa renunciar nada para tê-lo; na verdade, seus olhos de fã brilharão de tal forma diante dele que, sem dizer uma palavra, o mesmo se convencerá de que esse deus sempre esteve nele.
Sabe de algum que propaga esse autoengano aqui no Brasil? Deve ter assistido muita novela e achado o meio "artístico" o sonho mais lindo e divino a ser perseguido. É "amado" de todos porque não guia nem a si mesmo para fora dele, e por essa razão é exatamente o condutor que buscam para não ir a lugar algum e perambular nas trevas, iludindo-se com firulas intelectuais, nas quais as referências escriturísticas que alguns adoram citar para fingir alinhamento não aparecem, nem se percebe qualquer conexão implícita.
A aparência de "cristão" engana: referenciando palavras de Sabedoria ou buscando simular a mesma unicamente a partir de suas próprias palavras, você sabe que o conteúdo continua sendo o ego quando aquilo por si só não é suficiente e o objetivo continua sendo obter os aplausos do público como compensação do vazio da desconexão. É um querendo ouvir, "Nossa! Como ele é conhecedor das Escrituras e fiel à Palavra!", e outro, "Como ele é iluminado e sensato!". Nem um, nem outro teve falta de Sabedoria um dia.
Inspire esse ar e depois finja que a "religião" imunizou-lhe contra a busca da própria glória.
Trocar a comunhão dos santos pela dos "artistas" é realmente patético.
Sabe de algum que propaga esse autoengano aqui no Brasil? Deve ter assistido muita novela e achado o meio "artístico" o sonho mais lindo e divino a ser perseguido. É "amado" de todos porque não guia nem a si mesmo para fora dele, e por essa razão é exatamente o condutor que buscam para não ir a lugar algum e perambular nas trevas, iludindo-se com firulas intelectuais, nas quais as referências escriturísticas que alguns adoram citar para fingir alinhamento não aparecem, nem se percebe qualquer conexão implícita.
A aparência de "cristão" engana: referenciando palavras de Sabedoria ou buscando simular a mesma unicamente a partir de suas próprias palavras, você sabe que o conteúdo continua sendo o ego quando aquilo por si só não é suficiente e o objetivo continua sendo obter os aplausos do público como compensação do vazio da desconexão. É um querendo ouvir, "Nossa! Como ele é conhecedor das Escrituras e fiel à Palavra!", e outro, "Como ele é iluminado e sensato!". Nem um, nem outro teve falta de Sabedoria um dia.
Inspire esse ar e depois finja que a "religião" imunizou-lhe contra a busca da própria glória.
Trocar a comunhão dos santos pela dos "artistas" é realmente patético.
The Air Is Thick
Breathe it in and find yourself infected by happiness according to Zombie Eilish.
Survival is your responsibility.
Principalmente "evangélicos", com suas distorções proselitistas, pregam que você tem que se relacionar com o mundo para ser luz nas trevas. Se você consegue essa proeza, parabéns! Não há luz em você. A comunhão só se estabelece quando um dos lados cede: ou quem está nas trevas passa para a luz, ou quem está na luz passa para as trevas. Você pode até tentar, se for convicto de que é Sabedoria que deseja, só para ver como isso funciona na prática. As trevas incomodam a luz e vice versa; ou você propõe logo a renúncia ou espera a proposta surgir da outra parte, porque ela certamente virá.
A luz pode atrair, em poucas ocasiões, ou repelir. Dependendo da sua ousadia, o outro nem abrirá a boca por medo da resposta que poderá vir, somente se afastará. Já um mais "corajoso" tentará confrontar e fazer a mentira prevalecer. E o que se afastou estará do lado dele porque, afinal, compartilham da mesma falsa esperança de ser alguém no mundo. Não é amigo de mentira todo aquele que não luta pela Verdade, busca o próprio desejo e se sente bem e protegido junto dos que fazem o mesmo? Ele não luta por você, porque sua luta não lhe diz respeito; seu inimigo é quem luta por ele e todos que se contentam com o ser falso.
Sem dúvida o mais ofensivo é quando um amigo da mentira se aproxima na certeza de que pode lhe conquistar para as trevas, quando você não é razão nenhuma para sua mudança.
Já me mudei daí e pode crer que foi para nunca mais voltar.
Sua "missão" é impossível.
A luz pode atrair, em poucas ocasiões, ou repelir. Dependendo da sua ousadia, o outro nem abrirá a boca por medo da resposta que poderá vir, somente se afastará. Já um mais "corajoso" tentará confrontar e fazer a mentira prevalecer. E o que se afastou estará do lado dele porque, afinal, compartilham da mesma falsa esperança de ser alguém no mundo. Não é amigo de mentira todo aquele que não luta pela Verdade, busca o próprio desejo e se sente bem e protegido junto dos que fazem o mesmo? Ele não luta por você, porque sua luta não lhe diz respeito; seu inimigo é quem luta por ele e todos que se contentam com o ser falso.
Sem dúvida o mais ofensivo é quando um amigo da mentira se aproxima na certeza de que pode lhe conquistar para as trevas, quando você não é razão nenhuma para sua mudança.
Já me mudei daí e pode crer que foi para nunca mais voltar.
Sua "missão" é impossível.
terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2021
segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2021
Chance To Get Wise
Thank you for turning my direction, blue eyes.
If I was dumb and am smart today, you were the planned chance for this change.
If I was dumb and am smart today, you were the planned chance for this change.
Linked To Your Enemies
People who only believe in you after they start realizing there must be someone helping you, do not really believe. Your true friends are those who share the same questions, not those who, after seeing the answers, are going to look back and say, "Hey, he wasn't crazy, he was going somewhere". When you were under attack, where were they? Too busy living their selfish lives, too cold to care.
I forgive but I don't forget the Wisdom I get, so I don't forgive. What do I mean? Just interpret His words... He tells you to forgive, let go of resentment, and He tells you to forgive not, be in communion, until there is repentance. That is, do not connect until they reconnect, unless you want to cry and be the fool to blame.
If they have not been working to get Her all those days, just search for the evidences that they're still not doing it now. They're there, and they mean that as soon as the magic disappears to test them, they'll be gone fully devoted to their friendship with the world. If the magic is back, their eyes are going to turn your direction again.
Have you seen the Future? I don't think you have the faith and reason to do that.
Both don't seem to have a place in you.
I forgive but I don't forget the Wisdom I get, so I don't forgive. What do I mean? Just interpret His words... He tells you to forgive, let go of resentment, and He tells you to forgive not, be in communion, until there is repentance. That is, do not connect until they reconnect, unless you want to cry and be the fool to blame.
If they have not been working to get Her all those days, just search for the evidences that they're still not doing it now. They're there, and they mean that as soon as the magic disappears to test them, they'll be gone fully devoted to their friendship with the world. If the magic is back, their eyes are going to turn your direction again.
Have you seen the Future? I don't think you have the faith and reason to do that.
Both don't seem to have a place in you.
sábado, 9 de outubro de 2021
Thank You, My Haters
If you "loved" me, being dark lovers, that would mean I'm as false as you. I'm sorry if I can't speak the lies that you desire and please you; I'm no idolater. Your words were hell only until I remembered you could never speak what makes me well, otherwise that would mean I'm as egocentric as you. I faced my fears and insecurities and soon returned to listen to the Source that made me really well.
I'm back up.
I'm back up.
sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2021
I can see that the dreams in you are greater than those that are in the world, and that makes you a really beautiful singer. Don't ever let it distract you from the quest in your heart, because the day you give up the 'if' you could have millions seeing you as 'else', but not really the way you'd like to. You'd be failing miserably in the test, in Life.
May God always come first and bless you.
May God always come first and bless you.
Éna S’ Agapó
Fevereiro é tempo de "socializar".
Não existem três amores como eles dizem, apenas dois: falso e verdadeiro.
Não existem três amores como eles dizem, apenas dois: falso e verdadeiro.
quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2021
On His Way
Let me guess... you are at "peace" with everyone because you already have the only thing you could've ever asked for: money. I'm sorry but you're not really happy and loving, you're stupid. So let me tell you a secret... if you fit too easily in this wicked world, you're not normal and social, you are bizarre. Thus if you can't pray for a real connection, pray for never seeing the signs of the fake connection.
It could be very unsettling and scary to see who's in control there.
It could be very unsettling and scary to see who's in control there.
Diabolic Link
If you could only see that your world is not the Word's... you'd be searching for the Medicine to reconnect you to the real (social, professional, personal) Life. What do you want a biological vaccine for? To go out there and be able to infect and be infected in person with lies again? Or do you want to go there to bring some out of isolation? You can always use electric light first to get an idea of how many happy and cowardly vampires you could find, and put an end to your naive belief that there's a wonderful world waiting for you out there.
Only popstars and rockstars can believe that.
I know why the only thing I bring can disturb so much.
Você tem que ter fé para ir "só", assim como é preciso não ter fé para ir junto do mundo por um sentimento de pertencimento, deixando a regência do Verbo por um lugar no Maligno. Não importa se você se tornará alguma coisa "grande", o fato é que você nunca será real. Logo é hipocrisia dizer que há alguém maior em você quando a mentira só cresce a cada dia.
É melhor se tornar um pedreiro do que um "doutor" que não se percebe doente e não medica nem a si mesmo. Isso foi há uma década, e quem eu conhecia naquela época já alcançou o "futuro" que desejava, e quem eu conheci recentemente ainda o busca. Foi só uma questão de persistência e tempo para ver claramente quem era evitado em primeiro lugar.
Aquelas referências a Esaú do seu ex-namorado eram para você? Chora sempre mas não se arrepende nunca? Você dizia que as pessoas falavam que você era isso e aquilo, e você não era nada disso, se sentia hipócrita. Mas quando ele acreditou, você deve ter gostado. As pessoas falavam que eu era isso e aquilo, e eu não me vendi à aparência de justiça que elas buscavam para ter boa reputação. Fui em busca do Bem que podia fazer meu caráter bom, para não acabar idólatra, adúltero, fofoqueiro, manipulador, imoral, etc.
Eu não caminho com o mundo; meu fim é outro.
É melhor se tornar um pedreiro do que um "doutor" que não se percebe doente e não medica nem a si mesmo. Isso foi há uma década, e quem eu conhecia naquela época já alcançou o "futuro" que desejava, e quem eu conheci recentemente ainda o busca. Foi só uma questão de persistência e tempo para ver claramente quem era evitado em primeiro lugar.
Aquelas referências a Esaú do seu ex-namorado eram para você? Chora sempre mas não se arrepende nunca? Você dizia que as pessoas falavam que você era isso e aquilo, e você não era nada disso, se sentia hipócrita. Mas quando ele acreditou, você deve ter gostado. As pessoas falavam que eu era isso e aquilo, e eu não me vendi à aparência de justiça que elas buscavam para ter boa reputação. Fui em busca do Bem que podia fazer meu caráter bom, para não acabar idólatra, adúltero, fofoqueiro, manipulador, imoral, etc.
Eu não caminho com o mundo; meu fim é outro.
quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2021
Fevereiro de 2010
Caminhada SOlitária por aí.
Consegue ouvir a oração? E as respostas... consegue ver?
terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2021
He looks at your heart and sees when He comes second.
Your eschatological speech won't save you.
Your eschatological speech won't save you.
Other Side Or Leaven?
Let the friend in me interpret it for the mustard seed in you: I mean that many hope to find in lie what can only be found in Truth. Their condition to follow Jesus is to be "happy" first, and since it'll never be true and enough even when it all happens, they're going to waste their whole time and still they're not going to be ready. Even when things get hard and bad, they still most likely won't look for a Place to grow.
Could you be watering the fool in you day to day?
Your own wisdom can do nothing for you.
Could you be watering the fool in you day to day?
Your own wisdom can do nothing for you.
segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2021
You Can't Ruin Me
Your false passion kills true but my survival instinct is killer too.
I know the enemy in me and in you.
I know the enemy in me and in you.
On Her Way
"Religion" is the only thing that can perform the impossible to faith miracle of changing a false self into true self, apparently; it's also the only place where you find a god that gives you everything you and the world are searching for, making your false hopes come true. Unluckily, the Carpenter has nothing to do with that, though his name may be used. He's actually a dream killer.
The only thing she cares about has just changed.
The old everything is now less.
The only thing she cares about has just changed.
The old everything is now less.
Getting someone Out depends on getting in touch with the one inside him or her who believes. You never know who is keeping an undeveloped faithful self and who is going to fight for Truth to be who he or she really is. Even trying to help, the individual needs to find and cultivate the Passion for himself to give not up, persist and succeed. And sometimes, he has already let a worldly passion find him in such a deeply enslaving way that he can hardly think of any other Life's existence that could be better and more.
When you're so full of yourself and fake wisdom that lie idolatrously becomes Truth, you're going to instinctively fight for it and against anything you don't want to know about, that could take away your worldly horizons and opportunities from you, calling Truth a lie and a fantasy.
You'll never be ready to get Out waiting for false to come true and enough.
domingo, 3 de outubro de 2021
When you already know the Other is in you, you're just choosing to be in the Other; all the things that you perceive as unknown are not really unknown to you, for you know their Source and you're just choosing to get more and more of them. Until you remember that those words could never come from the same Source you've known, they could still be a reason for you to be afraid and insecure. So you can give up and stay the same or you can be brave and rebel against letting go.
sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2021
Decoding The Generation
The more people surrender to the fallen state of the human heart, the more the world gets pornographic. Sexuality becomes an idol, a fake connection that is sought in place of the Source. The natural energy involved becomes everything to the individual, a false fun that, like a drug, presents itself as the very reason to live. The whole world of men and women is tasted and it's still not enough.
How do you expect them to be faithful without the faith in something more?
Their hearts are cold and many without a doubt are "happy" that way.
How do you expect them to be faithful without the faith in something more?
Their hearts are cold and many without a doubt are "happy" that way.
quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2021
Tem "católico" que paga a promessa de continuar escrevendo música sobre embriaguez e adultério percorrendo 1.180km montado num burro, e tem "evangélico" que vai de carro para tomar suco de uva e pagar a deus por medo de perder ou deixar de conquistar tudo que deseja dentro do sistema.
Ambos são burros felizes; só o burro que continua triste.
E o carro que possui continua possuído.
Ambos são burros felizes; só o burro que continua triste.
E o carro que possui continua possuído.
terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2021
The things written in the Bible are linked to each other because Wisdom is one. You've got a proof that you are a friend of Her when you can interpretatively connect them. Likewise, people are linked to each other either by Wisdom or their own foolish thought.
The world is the devil's creation.
You can own it if you happily let him own you.
The world is the devil's creation.
You can own it if you happily let him own you.
segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2021
As your ex-manager said, believing to be cutting me down to size, my work was really cool. Unfortunately, it was not only a silly video editing, as he implied, and my real thing has survived to kill your pretense. You should be content with being only "cool"; after all, your hearts have never aspired to be more and go any further. Not only that, being sick as your fans tell you (and clicking that heart to show how your ego is pleased) should be enough for you.
False Sense Of Control
It's alright to be wrong, hating to be wrong and hating to be surrounded by happy wrong people. But if you're trying to hide from fake man and preserve self-righteousness and a self-good reputation, caring more about what he thinks than what God thinks, you could find yourself hopelessly trying to hide from Him someday, foolishly asking Him if He doesn't believe all you've said and done.
They believe so much the world of fools and all the control they have in it, that they can spend their whole lives despising the existence of anything and anyone beyond that. They just don't want to know if there is and ruin the wicked dream; they are happy the way they are and it provides them with all they could ask for.
"man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart"
"Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."
They believe so much the world of fools and all the control they have in it, that they can spend their whole lives despising the existence of anything and anyone beyond that. They just don't want to know if there is and ruin the wicked dream; they are happy the way they are and it provides them with all they could ask for.
"man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart"
"Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."
Meek And Bold
You can test whether people are really merciful or fearful cowards scared of their own sin, scared of others who are also protective of their dearly beloved sin, by telling them about the wrong things you see in the world. If they don't get mad like John the Baptist and Jesus, it's an evidence that you're not talking to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Because either you are everything He tells on the sermon on the mount or you are nothing.
I have never seen a "merciful" person that had enemies, for the prophets were not persecuted staying silent and praying for the world.
I have never seen a "merciful" person that had enemies, for the prophets were not persecuted staying silent and praying for the world.
domingo, 26 de setembro de 2021
Dead World Made Of Plastic
I tried to perform a search query on Instagram and then I realized that words cannot be used to fetch anything from it, unless they are hashtagged. I also started to notice that most "famous" people own accounts with usernames that are exactly their names, and I was like, "How could so many be so lucky to have it not taken already?". Actually, they seem to be privileged. You won't find a friend with the same name of one of them, because all it knows is celebrities and all you know about your friend will never retrieve any relevant post.
It's a stupid network where appearance is queen and emptiness is king.
It's a stupid network where appearance is queen and emptiness is king.
quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2021
quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2021
Life Made Me Real
A character that is the real thing is beyond their worldly sight, so don't be surprised when fake people give you a bad reputation. Just remember you've chosen to take what matters and despise what they have to give, because if you don't, if you become fearful of them, they're going to change you and make you lose it All.
Their message decoded means nothing but darkness calling you to return from Light so you can be in communion with darkness, along with cultlike threats to make sure you know their god is angry and you've departed to nowhere but hell. However, they cannot hide that their heaven is made of idolatry and slavery, and the only god there is their ego.
Give up, because I won't; I will never "love" again.
Hasta la vista, baby.
Their message decoded means nothing but darkness calling you to return from Light so you can be in communion with darkness, along with cultlike threats to make sure you know their god is angry and you've departed to nowhere but hell. However, they cannot hide that their heaven is made of idolatry and slavery, and the only god there is their ego.
Give up, because I won't; I will never "love" again.
Hasta la vista, baby.
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2021
Make Up Your Mind
You can never really admire my words and works, and those of happy vain lost people in love with the world; do not deceive yourself believing this to be some new powerful alternative way to "fame". You've made a mistake by choosing to connect to my enemies over the One who could tell you more; if you had faith in the Source you'd have known that you were choosing to come to nought with them.
Your heart is still not right in the sight of God.
Your heart is still not right in the sight of God.
She Cut Her Pigtails
Now she listens to GG Cyrus and gives thanks for nothing.
Yes, they're weak with no desire to tear away the veil.
Yes, they're weak with no desire to tear away the veil.
segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2021
I say and do it all for Everything, the Everything who's given me what I'd been searching for; I say and do it all for nothing, the nothing who wants to change. The rest does not matter to me since I'm not seeking my own glory, so fans have nothing to give me. I already have my own world, which is not falsely mine, it's truly Hers. As I said, I'm not looking for no possession.
One day you'll see they were never really yours.
One day you'll see they were never really yours.
quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2021
Come Find Her If You Can Believe
You can call me When I'm Sober, but I don't think we're trying to get the same thing; I used to be called Stone, and at that time we could get along.
Too late.
Too late.
quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2021
Not What It Seems
"Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth."
His word is the truth that's revealed inside.
The Bible has never sanctified anyone.
His word is the truth that's revealed inside.
The Bible has never sanctified anyone.
terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2021
Pupil Of His Eye
Do you now see that I really have a gift? I wrote to so many, the reaction was the same, disdain for connection. Because all I had was my words... if I had more and no purpose, I'd have their respect and "friendship". You can't write but I can read it all; you're weak with no desire for strength, too busy pursuing that which you want and need at the wicked and self-righteous side of the tale, thinking about moving on to the cell of your dreams, surrounded by every other happy prisoner that may feed your illusion that you've succeeded, the fools that believed in you and the world from the start.
I can't tell the lie you desire, work for all the things the world thirsts for in place of Truth, without going back into the prison, so there must be something I want more than you. See, "friend"? I'm fine Out here, "alone". I'm not looking for no possession, so staying away from me is indeed the best way to keep your obsession.
You know it's dangerous to have Dark Lover as the soundtrack of your lives, because you know where the loving darkness more than Light road ends.
Don't ask God; Smith is the one who can give you what you want.
I can't tell the lie you desire, work for all the things the world thirsts for in place of Truth, without going back into the prison, so there must be something I want more than you. See, "friend"? I'm fine Out here, "alone". I'm not looking for no possession, so staying away from me is indeed the best way to keep your obsession.
You know it's dangerous to have Dark Lover as the soundtrack of your lives, because you know where the loving darkness more than Light road ends.
Don't ask God; Smith is the one who can give you what you want.
sábado, 11 de setembro de 2021
Proud Of Sophia
"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."
You need humility to become proud.
You need humility to become proud.
Impossible Or Nothing
Wisdom is not possible.
Either you work for Her or die.
You can say and do nothing without Her.
She's also called Grace.
Either you work for Her or die.
You can say and do nothing without Her.
She's also called Grace.
sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2021
I used to try to get what they say, until I perceived there was really no Good to be found.
They're anti-prophetical, saying and doing it all for nothing, treasuring empty words and works.
They don't seem to believe any thing except the iniquitous bondage they can't let go of.
I guess, since they lack the 'if', their concept of real is founded upon the 'else' possibility.
They're anti-prophetical, saying and doing it all for nothing, treasuring empty words and works.
They don't seem to believe any thing except the iniquitous bondage they can't let go of.
I guess, since they lack the 'if', their concept of real is founded upon the 'else' possibility.
I've seen many give it up along the way, surrender to the temptation of being "normal" to show they could go there and be part of it. They've accepted mysery to be accepted, to have "friends", making sure to remain anti-philosophical to disturb, offend no one; to have no one walking away from them, leaving them behind to follow their ego in pursuit of "happiness".
They've wanted nothing out of the ordinary and predictable under the sun.
Now they can't fly.
They've wanted nothing out of the ordinary and predictable under the sun.
Now they can't fly.
New Never Gets Old
For old to get New, you got to have faith.
I was 14 years old in 99, now I'm 20 years new.
8 Ou 80
I've got no reason not to be rad and please the world.
I'm just not a fool standing on the extremes of the system.
It's nothing and nothing, and there's nothing in between.
On the Outside is where I find myself, where you'll find me.
I'm just not a fool standing on the extremes of the system.
It's nothing and nothing, and there's nothing in between.
On the Outside is where I find myself, where you'll find me.
quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2021
Our People There

The way the U.S. army left Afghanistan was strange, because they could have left their equipment at the Panjshir Valley, but now it's all in the hands of fanatical psychos. They should have known beforehand they were betting on cowards. Or maybe they should blame it on themselves since the message of democracy is not enough, it's not something that will make people say, "Now I've got something to fight for!".
Some people want freedom to choose the worldly "american" deathstyle, but some want it to be themselves.
"Religion" is a false enemy of worldliness and a true enemy of spirituality.
sábado, 4 de setembro de 2021
Shape Of Warfare
Hey, "innocent" popstars, you talk too much and say too little. You need some real ambition to change from rock to Rock, to be in love with the shape of Her, with Her mind.
It's all wrong, you should forsake it.
It's all wrong, you should forsake it.
quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2021
Who's Not Thriving?
Robert Tepper is anonymous now. His twitter and instagram accounts are not verified and many anonymous people have more followers than him. You'll be one day too, if you survive. The difference is that most of you will be back to anonymity without having released a single relevant song.
You're way too distracted by the false worldly fame and the cash to perceive you're not really an artist.
You don't have the balls to give up the crap, so write your bullshit to get them.
You know you can't get me.
You're way too distracted by the false worldly fame and the cash to perceive you're not really an artist.
You don't have the balls to give up the crap, so write your bullshit to get them.
You know you can't get me.
terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2021

Imaginaram que seu "propósito" seria servir à vaidade "humana", e pelo "poder" subjugaram-lhe a seu ego, suposto centro do Universo. Encheram o bolso, a barriga, e o dia deles também chegou; partiram de coração vazio.
Não quiseram o Éden; amaram mais a morte do que a Vida.
Os que buscaram ter uma boa imaginação provaram a Verdade.
In Time
Crer ou não crer no senhorio do Tempo?
Cuidado com os que creem mais em dinheiro e status do que Amor e Sabedoria.
Certifique-se de que seu relógio não esteja sincronizado com o mundo.
Caso contrário, seu destino será determinado por ele.
Cuidado com os que creem mais em dinheiro e status do que Amor e Sabedoria.
Certifique-se de que seu relógio não esteja sincronizado com o mundo.
Caso contrário, seu destino será determinado por ele.
sábado, 21 de agosto de 2021
Academia De Letras
Quem já frequentou o meio de academias já ouviu a gíria "frango". Alguns mais obcecados com forma usam-na para definir qualquer um que não seja grande, em seus entendimentos relativos de grandeza, afinal perto de um urso até o Schwarzenegger é frango. Outros já observam aspectos comportamentais, como preguiça e evitação de desconforto e dor. Esta última análise toca o âmago da questão, que é a mente.
Ter o corpo grande não significa não se contentar com uma mente pequena. Por exemplo, na obsessão pela aparência não há quem reflita antes de envenená-lo. E um é o peso de ferro e outro é o peso de prata; disposição para lidar com um não é garantia de suportar o outro. Como aqueles que disseram, "Duro é este discurso; quem o pode ouvir?", muitos mal chegam e já vão embora pra casa.
Nem todo aquele que treina a mente é espiritualizado; há quem também só esteja preocupado com uma forma vazia: escrever, falar bonito para ser admirado. Não há a busca por nada que o faça realmente se sentir vivo; a "vida" está nos aplausos que vêm depois.
Don't run out of Time.
Tic, Toc.
Ding, Dong.
sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2021
Are You Afraid?
That's a good thing; maybe it means that you're only infected by the "being wise in your own eyes" thing and the false and selfish way of thinking once. Maybe the disease is not by what you are who you are and you could still find the cure.
Wake up before it's too late.
Wake up before it's too late.
"Smart" As Hell
When a psycho becomes "religious" he doesn't get better, he gets worse. The belief in hell profits nothing to make him afraid of his words and acts; if he used to wish death to others, he's only going to become more like the devil, also wishing hell. If you're expecting to see someone coming to you with knives and guns, you won't identify most of them. Many are more classy than that, their weapon is inside their head. Thus if you don't have one too you are very likely at risk of being left by them if not dead, completely wrecked, without they ever touching you with their hands.
If they read about sheep and goats, they'll certainly not humble themselves, they will decide who is who. If they read about predestination, they're going to despise the Source and choose the "destination", obviously "heaven" to themselves and "hell" to whoever steps on their toes.
Those people from XIX century's Boston had a reason to thank God for not having been born in XVI century's Geneva.
If they read about sheep and goats, they'll certainly not humble themselves, they will decide who is who. If they read about predestination, they're going to despise the Source and choose the "destination", obviously "heaven" to themselves and "hell" to whoever steps on their toes.
Those people from XIX century's Boston had a reason to thank God for not having been born in XVI century's Geneva.
quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2021
Vincit Qui Se Vincit
To the world you'll be the one as long as you win and succeed. How many have you already spotted waiting to see what you can do to believe in you? Grace is that which gives you the power to go beyond what you can do, and it's given so you can be better than yourself, not better than others while in the same game, the same race. So you must get out of it. You can't keep doing it for the public, now you do it for God.
It's an unbearable state of slavery to do all you can to please and have others believing and loving you.
Lose and fail and your conquest will suddenly be gone.
It's an unbearable state of slavery to do all you can to please and have others believing and loving you.
Lose and fail and your conquest will suddenly be gone.
quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2021
What Ayrton Senna didn't know is that the best way to attract fake believers is to win to be somebody in the world. Well, probably on his last year he started to discern the treacherous nature of worldly man (because I did), the fan that the foolish and weak treasures so much. Only needy people don't mind if they're only drawing unrepentant idolaters and gold diggers to themselves.
"And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man."
terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2021
Know Who You're Dealing With
You expect him to play fair but you forget that he is the master cheater, adulterous generation.
He knows absolutely no rule when it comes to pleasing his ego.
He knows absolutely no rule when it comes to pleasing his ego.
Bad Character
Darkness is sweet to them only until it shows its face, like when one of the enslaved souls starts stalking them. Then they call the police to keep the idolater away, because they're scared. It's like, "I sold my soul to the devil, but now I'm afraid because he wants my body". Yes, he wants your body to get what he purchased, don't you know? He wants his package delivered.
Do you think he is a friend? He doesn't play a fair game.
That's why I'd rather play the fairy game.
Do you think he is a friend? He doesn't play a fair game.
That's why I'd rather play the fairy game.
segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2021
Take Hard, Give Harder

This domain is visited by a multitude of fake men and women who come here not searching for cure, but instead they come here to analyze the threat I represent to the disease they don't want to let go of. It's what connects people to them, and it frightens them to imagine themselves as they already are: alone. Therefore they write their message directed at me to show how much I disturb them and to make sure their public is still there to appreciate their phony disconnected words.
It's not that they don't believe in the tale, they just hate the fairy, since they love being the story's wicked ones.
You probably already know it's only going to to get harder for you, bold criminals.
sábado, 14 de agosto de 2021
Come On In
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
She keeps on knocking but She can't come in, so don't knock at our door.
You can't come in either, "musician".
You're not the real thing.
She keeps on knocking but She can't come in, so don't knock at our door.
You can't come in either, "musician".
You're not the real thing.
Do You Get Her?
You got to have faith; yes, there is an Infinity.
I've spent half my life learning to think in terms of 88.
I've spent half my life learning to think in terms of 88.
segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2021
sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2021
quarta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2021
"Love" Is Not Love
"Wealth" is not wealth, "fame" is not fame, "power" is not power.
Can you throw cares away and stop noticing them?
Not when you don't care.
So, Truth is for really few.
Can you throw cares away and stop noticing them?
Not when you don't care.
So, Truth is for really few.
terça-feira, 3 de agosto de 2021
Can You Read Between The Lines?
The time they could have spent searching for right, they wasted looking for wrong, because they believed that condemning the Just, they'd be justifying themselves. So, if you're afraid of judgment, you should not follow Him. Be the "friend" they expect you to be, speak the lies they want to hear. But, in the end, when you're judged wicked by the One you should have feared, what will you say to Him?
The just respects the just; the wicked respects the wicked.
It's an unbreakable rule.
The just respects the just; the wicked respects the wicked.
It's an unbreakable rule.
segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2021
"You're Gonna Lose It All"
How do you expect to live the rock 'n' roll dream without saving the sickness? You need it to write some sick songs, to take your low false self esteem high, to prove to your idols and yourself that you can be like them. On the other hand, if you're fighting for the Medicine, you're asking for trouble with them, because All is against all, all is against All.
They want you to lose All, because It sets you free, and they need you locked out.
Roll all you wannabes.
They want you to lose All, because It sets you free, and they need you locked out.
Roll all you wannabes.
Between Musicians And Lovers
Just like a "lover" takes delight in the darkness of having one enslaved to him/herself, a "musician" will feel the same towards a multitude. Why would that be hard to believe and comprehend? That is logical: they cannot behave differently since, in the first place, they are "lovers" too. And if you analyze the philosophical pattern behind those biblical verses, you'll see that many are a lot like the pharisees.
Forget about "religion"; few will use it to create a "something else" feeling for themselves in others. It's only needed when the public you're trying to control is engaged in it and susceptible to its deception. Most times, they'll rely on the fact that the sin of idolatry doesn't require one to simulate righteousness, to disguise him/herself as an angel of light. They can be openly wicked and still get the same "glory" all want.
Leave your cult, because you can still be awesome in the sight of fools saying things like, "She eat your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer".
Forget about "religion"; few will use it to create a "something else" feeling for themselves in others. It's only needed when the public you're trying to control is engaged in it and susceptible to its deception. Most times, they'll rely on the fact that the sin of idolatry doesn't require one to simulate righteousness, to disguise him/herself as an angel of light. They can be openly wicked and still get the same "glory" all want.
Leave your cult, because you can still be awesome in the sight of fools saying things like, "She eat your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer".
sábado, 31 de julho de 2021
We Call It False Love
People rarely repent. They become "religious" in order to keep deceiving themselves; few get really sick of the lies. It's always about some outer being or whatever that could help them inside the illusion. Why would they ask for help to get out of it? They don't care if there's no real thing inside them when that's not necessary to get the life with all they've ever wanted. On the contrary, it'd ruin their plans.
Yes, the void is necessary to "success".
Consciously or not, they are aware of that.
Yes, the void is necessary to "success".
Consciously or not, they are aware of that.
Light Worker?
Love 'N' Wisdom
Just in case you didn't know, the 'roll' part of it is sex, false just like the 'rock' part. I only realized that when I started going to some heavy brass shows and listened to the fans' conversations, and I was like, "What the hell am I doing here, I didn't know I was coming to the Carnival". It's not about no truth and no freedom, and will never be unless there is repentance.
Its "religious" fans are there trying to "save" it, pretending their idols have not already converted them to it; they were unable to start something new, because all they wanted was to be part of its scene. They don't even try to hide how much they appreciate the happy wicked blah blah blah, despising the fact that you cannot do no work of light without throwing away the works of darkness.
Now they write happy "righteous" things like, "I am the enemy of new", as if they need to say that. We see the love of old in them.
To be enslaved and to enslave, that's what the "music" they know is all about.
There is a popstar inside every rockstar.
Its "religious" fans are there trying to "save" it, pretending their idols have not already converted them to it; they were unable to start something new, because all they wanted was to be part of its scene. They don't even try to hide how much they appreciate the happy wicked blah blah blah, despising the fact that you cannot do no work of light without throwing away the works of darkness.
Now they write happy "righteous" things like, "I am the enemy of new", as if they need to say that. We see the love of old in them.
To be enslaved and to enslave, that's what the "music" they know is all about.
There is a popstar inside every rockstar.
sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2021
I Don't Feel So
He loved me while I was still wrong.
How ungrateful I would be choosing to be "right" and stay wrong!
That's what many do when they pretend that love matters to them.
Can a love that is enough to exist out there only save?
How ungrateful I would be choosing to be "right" and stay wrong!
That's what many do when they pretend that love matters to them.
Can a love that is enough to exist out there only save?
Fallen Already
If you're not willing to fall, don't fight for anything.
You won't fall but you won't get up either.
You won't fall but you won't get up either.
Hell On My Way
I tried it again, but I could never remember myself the way I could.
I cannot be a "good" person only to avoid hell and its rocks.
I cannot be a "good" person only to avoid hell and its rocks.
quinta-feira, 29 de julho de 2021
If you're mad, get mad.
Don't hold it all inside.
I understand your frustration, so I did my job.
The mean machine cannot stop you from going in now.
Don't hold it all inside.
I understand your frustration, so I did my job.
The mean machine cannot stop you from going in now.
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