terça-feira, 19 de outubro de 2021

In The Foreground

No unnecessary thought: only Deus' first daughter is needed.

(Real fun fact: I bet you thought that blog title was inspired by its script, but the only thing I knew about Cobra, throughout that time in which the four blogs were written, was Angel Of The City and I used it without watching the movie. I didn't rent it to see if it was worth having it on film quality, I spent ten times more money on the blu ray disc without watching it online. So let's say I went way back into time just to watch it in the theater, and I knew I wouldn't regret it. You know what you got to have to do all that...)

It's Just Science

"Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you."

If it's not all too sad and pointless for you, it's going to be all too hard for you to get it. One needs a sense of discomfort and unbelonging to stand a chance of hearing that which was ordained unto our glory. The first things you were taught to do in the morning are only a vain imagination that you are pleasing God, when you do them for fear and you do them for false hope. You don't really want the rest of the day to be about Truth, just like the beginning is not really.

Only those who keep their eyes focused on one thing can unify their lives.

quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2021

The Living

They are not so very far away.

They're just... on the Other side.


Se minha luta não lhe diz respeito, eu posso garantir que você respeita o ímpio, desejando aquilo que ele tem. E também posso garantir que aquilo que você busca na "religião" é a própria justiça. A luta pela verdadeira religião não é para você. Monte uma banda e depois do "sucesso" agradeça a deus por tudo e fale dele à sua inspiração, o ímpio. Ele vai amar ouvir que não precisa renunciar nada para tê-lo; na verdade, seus olhos de fã brilharão de tal forma diante dele que, sem dizer uma palavra, o mesmo se convencerá de que esse deus sempre esteve nele.

Sabe de algum que propaga esse autoengano aqui no Brasil? Deve ter assistido muita novela e achado o meio "artístico" o sonho mais lindo e divino a ser perseguido. É "amado" de todos porque não guia nem a si mesmo para fora dele, e por essa razão é exatamente o condutor que buscam para não ir a lugar algum e perambular nas trevas, iludindo-se com firulas intelectuais, nas quais as referências escriturísticas que alguns adoram citar para fingir alinhamento não aparecem, nem se percebe qualquer conexão implícita.

A aparência de "cristão" engana: referenciando palavras de Sabedoria ou buscando simular a mesma unicamente a partir de suas próprias palavras, você sabe que o conteúdo continua sendo o ego quando aquilo por si só não é suficiente e o objetivo continua sendo obter os aplausos do público como compensação do vazio da desconexão. É um querendo ouvir, "Nossa! Como ele é conhecedor das Escrituras e fiel à Palavra!", e outro, "Como ele é iluminado e sensato!". Nem um, nem outro teve falta de Sabedoria um dia.

Inspire esse ar e depois finja que a "religião" imunizou-lhe contra a busca da própria glória.

Trocar a comunhão dos santos pela dos "artistas" é realmente patético.

The Air Is Thick

Breathe it in and find yourself infected by happiness according to Zombie Eilish.

Survival is your responsibility.


Principalmente "evangélicos", com suas distorções proselitistas, pregam que você tem que se relacionar com o mundo para ser luz nas trevas. Se você consegue essa proeza, parabéns! Não há luz em você. A comunhão só se estabelece quando um dos lados cede: ou quem está nas trevas passa para a luz, ou quem está na luz passa para as trevas. Você pode até tentar, se for convicto de que é Sabedoria que deseja, só para ver como isso funciona na prática. As trevas incomodam a luz e vice versa; ou você propõe logo a renúncia ou espera a proposta surgir da outra parte, porque ela certamente virá.

A luz pode atrair, em poucas ocasiões, ou repelir. Dependendo da sua ousadia, o outro nem abrirá a boca por medo da resposta que poderá vir, somente se afastará. Já um mais "corajoso" tentará confrontar e fazer a mentira prevalecer. E o que se afastou estará do lado dele porque, afinal, compartilham da mesma falsa esperança de ser alguém no mundo. Não é amigo de mentira todo aquele que não luta pela Verdade, busca o próprio desejo e se sente bem e protegido junto dos que fazem o mesmo? Ele não luta por você, porque sua luta não lhe diz respeito; seu inimigo é quem luta por ele e todos que se contentam com o ser falso.

Sem dúvida o mais ofensivo é quando um amigo da mentira se aproxima na certeza de que pode lhe conquistar para as trevas, quando você não é razão nenhuma para sua mudança.

Já me mudei daí e pode crer que foi para nunca mais voltar.

Sua "missão" é impossível.

terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2021

segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2021

Chance To Get Wise

Thank you for turning my direction, blue eyes.

If I was dumb and am smart today, you were the planned chance for this change.

Linked To Your Enemies

People who only believe in you after they start realizing there must be someone helping you, do not really believe. Your true friends are those who share the same questions, not those who, after seeing the answers, are going to look back and say, "Hey, he wasn't crazy, he was going somewhere". When you were under attack, where were they? Too busy living their selfish lives, too cold to care.

I forgive but I don't forget the Wisdom I get, so I don't forgive. What do I mean? Just interpret His words... He tells you to forgive, let go of resentment, and He tells you to forgive not, be in communion, until there is repentance. That is, do not connect until they reconnect, unless you want to cry and be the fool to blame.

If they have not been working to get Her all those days, just search for the evidences that they're still not doing it now. They're there, and they mean that as soon as the magic disappears to test them, they'll be gone fully devoted to their friendship with the world. If the magic is back, their eyes are going to turn your direction again.

Have you seen the Future? I don't think you have the faith and reason to do that.

Both don't seem to have a place in you.

sábado, 9 de outubro de 2021

Bad Romance

Like I said, I know why I disturb you.

Hey, Rockstars

You almost changed, saved my life like the cowboys from hell.

Haha! Popstars.

Thank You, My Haters

If you "loved" me, being dark lovers, that would mean I'm as false as you. I'm sorry if I can't speak the lies that you desire and please you; I'm no idolater. Your words were hell only until I remembered you could never speak what makes me well, otherwise that would mean I'm as egocentric as you. I faced my fears and insecurities and soon returned to listen to the Source that made me really well.

I'm back up.

sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2021

Hidden Wisdom

Listen to the Music.


menino no poste

I am really not interested in the cinema; it's Cinema I have on my horizon.

It's the difference that's been moving me from the start.


I can see that the dreams in you are greater than those that are in the world, and that makes you a really beautiful singer. Don't ever let it distract you from the quest in your heart, because the day you give up the 'if' you could have millions seeing you as 'else', but not really the way you'd like to. You'd be failing miserably in the test, in Life.

May God always come first and bless you.

Éna S’ Agapó

Fevereiro é tempo de "socializar".

Não existem três amores como eles dizem, apenas dois: falso e verdadeiro.

"Even If It's Only A Little While"

Bravo, Harry.

Very effective.

quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2021

On His Way

Let me guess... you are at "peace" with everyone because you already have the only thing you could've ever asked for: money. I'm sorry but you're not really happy and loving, you're stupid. So let me tell you a secret... if you fit too easily in this wicked world, you're not normal and social, you are bizarre. Thus if you can't pray for a real connection, pray for never seeing the signs of the fake connection.

It could be very unsettling and scary to see who's in control there.

Diabolic Link

If you could only see that your world is not the Word's... you'd be searching for the Medicine to reconnect you to the real (social, professional, personal) Life. What do you want a biological vaccine for? To go out there and be able to infect and be infected in person with lies again? Or do you want to go there to bring some out of isolation? You can always use electric light first to get an idea of how many happy and cowardly vampires you could find, and put an end to your naive belief that there's a wonderful world waiting for you out there.

Only popstars and rockstars can believe that.

I know why the only thing I bring can disturb so much.


Be like a snake.

Beckon me with Her sight.


Você tem que ter fé para ir "só", assim como é preciso não ter fé para ir junto do mundo por um sentimento de pertencimento, deixando a regência do Verbo por um lugar no Maligno. Não importa se você se tornará alguma coisa "grande", o fato é que você nunca será real. Logo é hipocrisia dizer que há alguém maior em você quando a mentira só cresce a cada dia.

É melhor se tornar um pedreiro do que um "doutor" que não se percebe doente e não medica nem a si mesmo. Isso foi há uma década, e quem eu conhecia naquela época já alcançou o "futuro" que desejava, e quem eu conheci recentemente ainda o busca. Foi só uma questão de persistência e tempo para ver claramente quem era evitado em primeiro lugar.

Aquelas referências a Esaú do seu ex-namorado eram para você? Chora sempre mas não se arrepende nunca? Você dizia que as pessoas falavam que você era isso e aquilo, e você não era nada disso, se sentia hipócrita. Mas quando ele acreditou, você deve ter gostado. As pessoas falavam que eu era isso e aquilo, e eu não me vendi à aparência de justiça que elas buscavam para ter boa reputação. Fui em busca do Bem que podia fazer meu caráter bom, para não acabar idólatra, adúltero, fofoqueiro, manipulador, imoral, etc.

Eu não caminho com o mundo; meu fim é outro.

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2021

Fevereiro de 2010

Caminhada SOlitária por aí.

Consegue ouvir a oração? E as respostas... consegue ver?

terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2021


He looks at your heart and sees when He comes second.

Your eschatological speech won't save you.

Other Side Or Leaven?

Let the friend in me interpret it for the mustard seed in you: I mean that many hope to find in lie what can only be found in Truth. Their condition to follow Jesus is to be "happy" first, and since it'll never be true and enough even when it all happens, they're going to waste their whole time and still they're not going to be ready. Even when things get hard and bad, they still most likely won't look for a Place to grow.

Could you be watering the fool in you day to day?

Your own wisdom can do nothing for you.

segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2021

You Can't Ruin Me

Your false passion kills true but my survival instinct is killer too.

I know the enemy in me and in you.

On Her Way

"Religion" is the only thing that can perform the impossible to faith miracle of changing a false self into true self, apparently; it's also the only place where you find a god that gives you everything you and the world are searching for, making your false hopes come true. Unluckily, the Carpenter has nothing to do with that, though his name may be used. He's actually a dream killer.

The only thing she cares about has just changed.

The old everything is now less.


Getting someone Out depends on getting in touch with the one inside him or her who believes. You never know who is keeping an undeveloped faithful self and who is going to fight for Truth to be who he or she really is. Even trying to help, the individual needs to find and cultivate the Passion for himself to give not up, persist and succeed. And sometimes, he has already let a worldly passion find him in such a deeply enslaving way that he can hardly think of any other Life's existence that could be better and more.

When you're so full of yourself and fake wisdom that lie idolatrously becomes Truth, you're going to instinctively fight for it and against anything you don't want to know about, that could take away your worldly horizons and opportunities from you, calling Truth a lie and a fantasy.

You'll never be ready to get Out waiting for false to come true and enough.

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2021


When you already know the Other is in you, you're just choosing to be in the Other; all the things that you perceive as unknown are not really unknown to you, for you know their Source and you're just choosing to get more and more of them. Until you remember that those words could never come from the same Source you've known, they could still be a reason for you to be afraid and insecure. So you can give up and stay the same or you can be brave and rebel against letting go.

"Don't Touch Me!"

Too tale.

Call the Intervention Team.

sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2021

Decoding The Generation

The more people surrender to the fallen state of the human heart, the more the world gets pornographic. Sexuality becomes an idol, a fake connection that is sought in place of the Source. The natural energy involved becomes everything to the individual, a false fun that, like a drug, presents itself as the very reason to live. The whole world of men and women is tasted and it's still not enough.

How do you expect them to be faithful without the faith in something more?

Their hearts are cold and many without a doubt are "happy" that way.